Friday, March 5, 2010

Week Upddate! and I need a miracle...

So this week has been crazy!

Monday: Work, gym, friends.

Tuesday: Doctors appointment, work, gym, FRIENDS! People were saying and doing such funny things that I was laughing so hard I was bright red and crying! LOL "Three Pills Please" :-)

Wednesday: Work, then had a music practice for a wedding that I am singing for in in a couple weeks. I was weary of trying to sing it, but Marci and I have come up with something that is amazing! I hope they like it :-)
Also, I got an amazing offer to record a cd wth Marvin Goldstien who would arrange, produce, and play, pitch to record companies, and help me land some gigs. But making a cd costs so much money! Usually they range from 30-50,000 dollars! But this would have only cost $20,000. But I don't know even know where I would find that much money! So, sadly I had to turn it down. :'-(

Thursday: MY DAY OFF! Some of my coworkers took m out to Sushi! It was incredible! I think I'm addicted....ran errands, did laundry, hung out with two seperate friends! It worked out perfectly time wise. Alyssa and I went and got dinner from an okay Chinese place we have never tried. And then wathced a very disturbing movie. It was nuts! I can't believe people would act that way. Yes it was a horror movie based off a true story.

Friday: Work, and then to Provo to a farewell party or a friend that is going on a mission! I'm excited to see people I have not seen in months!

Saturday: Work, and then I am going to see ALICE IN WONDERLAND with two awesome friends! Can't wait!!!

Also, another thing that has been on my mind lately is school. I am seriously thinking about music. But the only program that I want in Utah is at BYU. I have have visited many times and it is the only campus that has felt 'right.' But Media music program only accepts 10 people a year! I would have to wait until January to audition (which gives me time to learn the music things I need to know to get in, plus get my GPA up). But I'm very conflicted about going to BYU. I feel like I'm meant to be there, but not sure how I could survive. I'm going to need a miracle.

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