Sunday, March 28, 2010

Colors and Cake!

Today was CRAZY busy! First it was the color festival-it was my first time doing and it was AWESOME! You throw colored chalk at each other and then up in the air and it creates this HUGE colored cloud. It's an Eastern Indian Holiday celebrating diversity. I believe it's called Holle Krishna (SP? don't quote me on that...). I'm pretty sure I will be blowing purple snot out my nose for weeks! lol

Next, I rushed home to wish my sister farewell to her Jr. Prom. She looked absolutely stunning! She is growing up so fast I can't even believe it! Her Junior year of high school is almost over! WOW.

After that, I had a good friend's Birthday Party. I went over to her house to give her her present-which wasn't much, but it was pretty awesome. When everone arrived we went and had SUSHI. Absolutely delicious, but I had WAY too much to eat! Not to mention we went to our friends house and had cake afterward (which I helped bake and frost :-) ).

Overall it was a great Saturday. Busy, but filled with Colors and Cake. What else can a guy ask for? :-)


P.S. Pictures of tonights events hopefully coming soon....if my friends post them on facebook for me to copy. haha

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